June's Presentation

Dearest Quilts: A Collector’s Approach - Julie Silber
Julie Silber is a well-known lecturer, author, and curator with more than forty years’ experience collecting, selling, appraising, and studying quilts. She has been the caretaker of several major collections and has had access to some of the greatest antique quilts ever made. She’ll share some of her favorite 19th and 20th century examples … along with their stories.
Roll The Dice! - Vanina Doce-Mood:This is a FUN way of creating. Each month, we will explore new design possibilities with elements of art, colors, and even feelings! All while leaving everything to chance. Come play with us! Much more info here.
Postcard Exchange: To participate in this fun activity, be sure to select "Sign up for Postcard Exchange" when you register for Quilters Gather.
Show and Tell: Please share your current projects with us, especially the Valentines you sent and received. Email photos to EBHQuilters.Gather@gmail.com at least 1 day before the next session, and we will include them in the slide show presentation. We want to see what you’re up to!
Virtual Open Studio: We're looking for folks that are interested in sharing their "studios" at an upcoming Quilters Gather. More information here.
More details about our upcoming Quilters Gather click here.
Quilters Gather Hosts,
Valerie, Claire, Fredda & Vanina