Color Wheel StudyThe Color Wheel Study is on vacation! After 12 months of focusing on the analogous color schemes, we are now exploring using the triadic color scheme. Each month a new set of colors will be selected to explore. We have set some suggestions/goals for each of the monthly piece(s):
You don't need to register. Join in at any time! This exercise may become the beginning of a series. It can be as small as a postcard, 12" x 12", or just a block for a future quilt. Of course, you can make more than one piece on any given month. The piece does not need to be finished/quilted. TIPS: You could use color cards from any paint store to help with color values and reference. Also, a value matching tool can be of use when evaluating a color range. If you dye your own fabric, you can have even more fun creating a wide range of values. Below are some video tutorials from YouTube to help you explore the color wheel: Color Wheel Basics - 7 minutes Heather Thomas for National Quilters Circle - 9 minutes, 12-color wheel Janice Ingle of Quilting Digest - 23 minutes, 18-color wheel Here are some possibilities for how and where to share your color wheel study piece.
Questions contact EBHQ.Web.Supp@gmail.com | Next ColorsWill be released when we return. Triadic ColorsBlue -Yellow - Red Sample Block |