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Color Wheel Study

The Color Wheel Study is back!  Using the twelve colors on the wheel.

Isaac Newton's color circle sequence can be remember by the colors in the rainbow:  ROYGBIV which is the acronym for red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.  The primary colors (red, yellow, blue) can be mixed to create secondary colors. Which is this months Triadic colors.  Primary colors can be mixed to create secondary colors (green, orange, violet).  The tertiary colors are created when a primary and secondary color is mixed (red-orange, red-violet, yellow-green, yellow-orange, blue-green, Blue-Violet).

We are now exploring using the triadic color schemeEach month a new set of colors will be selected to explore. 

We have set some suggestions/goals for each of the monthly piece(s):

  • maximum measurement (18” x 24”); and
  •  use any type of fabrics and embellishments; 

You don't need to register. Join in at any time!  This exercise may become the beginning of a series.  It can be as small as a postcard, 12" x 12", or just a block for a future quilt.   Of course, you can make more than one piece on any given month.  The piece does not need to be finished/quilted. 

TIPS:  You could use color cards from any paint store to help with color values and reference.  Also, a value matching tool can be of use when evaluating a color range. If you dye your own fabric, you can have even more fun creating a wide range of values.

Below are some video tutorials from YouTube to help you explore the color wheel:

Color Wheel Basics - 7 minutes

 Heather Thomas  for National Quilters Circle - 9 minutes, 12-color wheel

Janice Ingle of Quilting Digest - 23 minutes, 18-color wheel

Here are some possibilities for how and where to share your color wheel study piece.

Upload your photo to the Color Wheel Study Member Gallery or to the Member Forum

To have your piece presented during Quilters Gather, email your photo(s) to  EBHQuilters.Gather@gmail.com   prior to the upcoming Quilters Gather. Include your full name, dimensions of your piece(s), a title if any, and a brief description of your process. Alternatively, you can hold it up during the session. Virtual Quilters Gather happens on Zoom the second Thursday evening of every month at 7 PM.

Show it at a Saturday Clubhouse Zoom by holding it up to the camera or doing a screen share. Bring it to Open Quilting for Show & Tell.

Questions contact EBHQ.Web.Supp@gmail.com

2025 Color of the year

Pantone Color Institute - PANTONE 17-1230 Mocha Mousse.

PANTONE® USA | Pantone Color of the Year 2025

Triadic Colors

Yellow - Blue - Red 

Sample Block


Contact us at EBHQ.Web.Supp@gmail.com

EBHQ is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization

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East Bay Heritage Quilters (EBHQ)

PO Box 6223

Albany, CA  94706

All images and text are © copyright East Bay Heritage Quilters Guild or by individual Guild members or speakers.

 Reproduction of any kind is expressly prohibited without written consent. 

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