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Quilters Gather Recordings

It's a Mystery - Nancy Williams 

Join us for a discussion and slide show of Nancy’s five year Mystery Quilt journey including her design process, class/clue structure, the community and, of course, The Big Reveal.

View Nancy's Presentation -  37 Minutes

Wearable Art - Karen Eppler

Longtime member Karen Eppler presented a trunk show of her amazing wearable art. She  shared her one-of-a-kind pieces and many responses to The Network of Wearable Art challenges. Karen chaired the wearable art section of Voices in Cloth for many years.

View Karen's Recording - 42 Minutes

EBHQ's Japan Textile Tour - Janet McDonald - 8/8/24

Janet McDonald presented beautiful images and stories of her latest Japan textile tour and let us know what’s to come on the next tour in May of 2025. Indigo, shibori and kasuri galore!

Janet McDonald is a past president of EBHQ and current membership chair. She has been to Japan four times in the past five years, three times as a textile tour leader.

View Janet's Recording - 37 Minutes - Available until 5/1/25

It’s Not Hoarding If You’re Organized: What I’ve Learned in 50 Years of Quilting by Debi Swedelson Mishael

 In this lecture, Debi  shared stories and will illustrate wisdom she has learned through 50 years of sewing experiences.  Novices and veteran quilters alike are sure to learn and relate to this presentation and studio tour. 

View Debi's Recording - 55 Minutes 

Virtual Tour of Claire Sherman's Solo Show - Claire Sherman - 1/10/24

Last year, Claire Sherman had a solo quilt show featuring 27 vibrant wall hangings at St. Albans Church in Albany. If you missed the show, or want to see it again, Claire will take us on a virtual tour with descriptions of her quilts. Claire is an EBHQ Board member and member of the Quilters Gather team. 

See Claire's Presentation here - 43 Minutes

The Power of Six – Liat Rorer - 10/12/23

EBHQ Member and Past President Liat Rorer walked us through the evolution and creation of the twelve quilts from her most recent show, The Power of Six. She talked about the inspiration for the series, how proportion and placement impact the visual impact of a design, working in a series and the dirty details of hanging a show.

View Liat's Presentation - 53 Minutes

The Challenge of Making a Memory Quilt - Fredda Cassidy - 9/14/23

Quilters Gather team member Fredda Cassidy will show us the concepts and techniques she used to create two quilts in memory of her friends’ son, musician John Finkbeiner, using vintage shirts and cardigans he collected over decades. Fredda will share the emotional and technical challenges she faced in the daunting task of honoring his memory with his treasure trove of textiles.

View Fredda's Presentation - 42 Minutes

Quilt Blocks to Quilty Books- Pati Fried - 5/11/23

This month, long time EBHQ member Pati Fried  delighted us with how she turns quilt books into fabric “quilty books.”

Open Studio - 23 Years of Planning  - Pati Fried

Pati moved into her home 23 years ago and immediately claimed her "someday" creative space. The only problem was that it was an unfinished space under the house. After 23 years of dreaming and planning, Pati is excited to invite you to her newly finished art and sewing studio!

View Pati's Presentation - 41 Minutes

Suzanne McCulloch - Improvising with Color - 3/9/23

Suzanne’s travels inspire the forms and colors she uses in her quilts. She presented her quilts and demonstrated her process for piecing curved shapes and her approach to improv piecing. Following her presentation, Suzanne gave us a tour of the studio space she has created in her Portland, Oregon home.

View Suzanne's Presentation - 34 Minutes

Fredda Cassidy's - Gestalt Theory: A Further Exploration into the Elements of Design - 2/12/23 

In this session we further explored how the human brain fills in blanks in an image to create a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. Fredda showed how to identify and use several elements of design to fool the viewer into seeing patterns and images that aren’t there as in this famous image created by Danish psychologist Edgar Rubin.

View Fredda's Presentation - 29 Minutes

Nancy Katz - Color. Pattern. Community. A Timeless Journey. - 1/12/23

Artist Nancy Katz  illustrated her journey from an EBHQ member in the 1980s to a volunteer and staff person with the AIDS Memorial Quilt, to a silk painter, to a stained glass designer, and most recently, to an artist who combines gouache painting with modern technology to create colorful, contemporary textiles— forever thinking and operating as a quilter.

View Nancy's Presentation - 43 Minutes

Ann Rhode - From Too Good to Cut to the Scrap Bag 

Charter EBHQ member Ann Rhode gave us a taste of the many wall hangings she made during the pandemic. It was the most productive time she had ever had in 43 years of quilt making. Ann has participated in designing quilt shows, served as program chairman and designed and produced several EBHQ opportunity quilts. She has exhibited in Quilt National, Women of Taste and many other galleries and has been published in many magazines and books including Sunset, Quilters’ Newsletter and Patchwork Quilt Tsushin.

View Ann's Presentation  - 27 Minutes

Virtual Open Studio - Vanina Doce Mood

Quilters Gather team member Vanina Doce-Mood shared her secrets for making beautiful quilts in a small studio as well as the custom made cutting/quilting table she has set up.

View Vanina's Presentation - 12 Minutes

Fredda Cassidy's - Articulating Imagery. The Vocabulary of Feedback and Critique - July 14, 2022

What do we see when we look at a painting? a quilt? The proverb, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” springs to mind. In this episode from Gather’s Design Element series, Fredda takes us beyond the “beauty” response—“I like this”—“I dislike that”—by parsing Matisse's painting, The Blue Window. Using design vocabulary to describe and comment on the piece, she will model how to provide valuable critique to yourself and others by applying design terminology to a variety of quilts.

View Fredda's Presentation - 50 Minutes

Janet McDonald's Japan Tour  - May 12, 2022

Janet Presented highlights of EBHQ's upcoming Fall of 2022 Textile Tour to Japan. Janet talked about some of the great places she visited on the last Japan tour.  Watch the show, join in and sign up!  Brochure here.

View Janet's Presentation - 29 minutes

Malleva Abenes' Under the Wave - May 12, 2022

Malleva walked us through the process of making her amazing Under the Wave quilt which was featured in Voices in Cloth 2018. She showed us her inspiration, challenges, and her techniques for overcoming those challenges.

View Malleva's Presentation - 36 minutes

Birthday Quilts and Beyond - April 14, 2022

This month we spotlighted EBHQ member Lois Helmbold.  Lois has made herself a birthday quilt in 12x12 inch format for the last eight years. When she reaches 80 in a few years she will have 12 squares to make into a quilt. Lois also showcased quilts she has exhibited and works in progress.  See how Lois celebrates her life through quilting.  Note:  Added a slide identifying Bisa Butler's work, which some people thought was mine, even though I credited her verbally. I've attached an updated version of the slide show with the additional slide inserted, # 15.

Lois Helmbold revised PowerPoint view here  

View Lois's Presentation - 28 minutes

Elements of DesignBalance March 10, 2022

EBHQ member Fredda Cassidy demonstrates how combining a variety of elements can be used to achieve a BALANCED composition. Whether working on a design wall, the floor, with your own or a purchased pattern, choice of placement, hue, and value influence the end result. Decisions about PROPORTION, CONTRAST, EMPHASIS, VARIETY, REPETITION, RHYTHM, MOVEMENT, TEXTURE, and POSITIVE and NEGATIVE SPACE effect the aesthetics of your piece and how it is perceived.

View Fredda's Presentation - 44 Minutes

Bullseye Block - January 13, 2022

Valerie Sopher demonstrated how to make this fun and fast raw edge applique block and variations.

View Valerie's Presentation - 12 minutes  


Contact us at EBHQ.Web.Supp@gmail.com

EBHQ is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization

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East Bay Heritage Quilters (EBHQ)

PO Box 6223

Albany, CA  94706

All images and text are © copyright East Bay Heritage Quilters Guild or by individual Guild members or speakers.

 Reproduction of any kind is expressly prohibited without written consent. 

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