Open QuiltingNOTE: Textile donations discontinued at all Open Quilting Events. But there is still the free table for the larger quilting fabrics. EBHQers have enjoyed many enjoyable months of meeting in person Potluck lunches on Tuesdays only. Saturdays and Wednesdays, bring a bag lunch.. Need some inspiration for a future project? The EBHQ Lending Library welcomes visitors to the second floor during Open Quilting hours. Browse through books in the airy, light-filled room, or check them out for home use. Read about the Lending Library here. Available at OQ for your use during each session: irons, ironing boards, cutting mats, extension cords for your sewing machine, large tables with risers for pinning quilts (if space allows), and design boards. Scrap Swap: you may bring fabric of any size to give away at the free table. However, if it's not scooped up by someone else, you must take your fabric home. There is no space to store any more fabric in the closets. They are quite full--crammed actually. Note: Saturday Open Quilting is currently closing at 1 pm. We are looking for host(s) for the 1-3 pm timeslot. Contact EBHQwebsupp@gmail.com if you're interested. To comply with EBHQ protocol:
Room procedures:
What you can do during Open Quilting:
| When & WhereWhen: Second Tuesday 9-3 pm and Third Saturday 9-1 pm each month New Starting Jan 2025: Fourth Wednesday 9-1 pm each month Where: Albany United Methodist Church, 980 Stannage Ave. (cross street Marin Ave.) Enter through the wooden gate with an Open Quilting sign, follow the fence to the glass doors. |