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Zoom - Meet up

  • Thu, August 13, 2020
  • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM (PDT)
  • Privacy of your own home
  • 0


Registration is closed

Whether you are quilting a lot or a little these days, there's a place for you at the Meet-Up!  Lone Robins, postcard exchangers, show and tellers, interested bystanders, and anyone else is welcome to join us for the August Meet-up.  We'll start with two quick demonstrations by Claire related to the Lone Robin activity.  The first demo will be how to make 3D flying geese, for those still working on the second element or who just can't get enough of those birds.  The second will be a technique for the not yet revealed third element, which we will find out a few days before the Meet-up.  

Following the demonstrations, we will have show and tell.  This can include Lone Robin items, postcards from the exchange, or any other items you want to share.  Show and tell items can be something completed recently, still in progress, or something that has inspired you.  Postcard exchangers, please show the card you received and let us know what the experience was like.  

Did you miss out on the first postcard exchange? No worries!  You can join now.  To join in the postcard fun, register here by August 13th and say "Yes" to the exchange when you register. For more information see the Meet-Up details page.

To show an item during the Meet-up, you can either send your photos to Nancy at nancycayton@yahoo.com by August 12 at 7 pm and she will show it for you, or you can hold your item up to the camera during the meeting.

Nancy & Claire, Meet-Up Hosts


Contact us at EBHQ.Web.Supp@gmail.com

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East Bay Heritage Quilters (EBHQ)

PO Box 6223

Albany, CA  94706

All images and text are © copyright East Bay Heritage Quilters Guild or by individual Guild members or speakers.

 Reproduction of any kind is expressly prohibited without written consent. 

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