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Virtual Quilters Gather

  • Thu, February 13, 2025
  • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Privacy of your own home
  • 163


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February's Presentation: 

Lissa Miner - Third Floor is the Charm 

EBHQ President-Elect Lissa Miner will take us through her studio space and share a few quilt projects, favorite quilting tools and setups. She will also talk about her time quilting in South Korea where she lived for six years.

Block Party: The block for November is Broken Dishes. Feel free to make any variation, wonky or traditional. More info here 

Valentine Exchange. Welcome to our fourth annual Valentine Exchange! You can send a fabric postcard, paper valentine, box of candy or whatever you like to your partner. Sign up for the Valentine exchange by checking "yes" for the postcard exchange when you register for February’s Quilters Gather. Questions?? Send them to  EBHQuilters.Gather@gmail.com

Show and Tell: Please share your current projects with us. Email photos to EBHQuilters.Gather@gmail.com at least one day before the next session. State the category: Block of the Month, Postcard Exchange, Quilts. Include your full name, title of piece if any, dimensions of quilt or block, a brief story or information about the piece, and/or the postcard partner names. Please note: When you email your images to Quilters Gather you are automatically giving permission for EBHQ to display your work.

Virtual Open Studio: We would love to see where you make your beautiful projects - whether a studio, bedroom, dining room table. Help inspire others by sharing your space and organizational tips and ideas at a future Quilters Gather. 

Breakout Rooms: Please note we will spend the first part of the session meeting in small groups to get your ideas for Quilters Gather programs.

More details about our upcoming Quilters Gather click here.

Quilters Gather Hosts,

Valerie, Claire, Fredda & Vanina


Contact us at EBHQ.Web.Supp@gmail.com

EBHQ is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization

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East Bay Heritage Quilters (EBHQ)

PO Box 6223

Albany, CA  94706

All images and text are © copyright East Bay Heritage Quilters Guild or by individual Guild members or speakers.

 Reproduction of any kind is expressly prohibited without written consent. 

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