Virtual Show & Tell 2024

quilt by Susan Dague
Thank goodness for quilting and quilting friends! Let's gather together for this year's Show & Tell event, (only a virtual one this year), and share the works that we have created this year. It is time to celebrate the many friendships that the guild provides for each of us.
Both the public and EBHQ members can attend the Virtual Zoom event on Monday, December 2th. at 6:30 pm. Registration is required to receive the Zoom Link, so click the Register button to sign up and the link will be sent in an email on Sunday, Dec. 1st.
Members: Entry Form and more info here. Also, and this is required, you must email a photo of each of your entries by November 17 to with "Show & Tell" and your full name and the title of the entry in the subject line.
Entries are now open and will close on November 17.