Masks Optional at Open Quilting
It's sure feeling more like the good old days BC (before Covid) at the church on Tuesdays. Starting at 9, the room begins to buzz. A good-sized crowd grazes at the loaded giveaway table. Piles of scraps are donated to huge recycling bags. Brown bag lunchers munch. Show & Tell items flash before appreciative eyes.
So, skip your chores, do your shopping later. Instead, bring your convivial, creative self to Open Quilting, and let's see if we can duplicate Tuesday's good cheer and energy on Saturdays!
Just pop in at the Albany church, anytime between 9 a.m to 3 p.m. Bring a bag lunch. (Any color bag works!) Make and wear a name badge to introduce yourself. One request: please, sign the roster by the main door, just in case we need to do any Covid contact tracing.
Bonus: the EBHQ Lending Library is open for business. Climb up to the second floor where you can relax in an airy, light-filled room to browse through carefully curated quilt books, or check them out for home use. More about the Lending Library here.
Read the revised features of Open Quilting here.
By the way, did you realize that masks are now optional?