Changes to Open Quilting
Yes! Enthusiastic quilters have been meeting in person again at the Albany Church!
For months we've worked on projects, swapped fabric, examined quilts, chatted up a storm. Now, it's time for a significant modification and a welcome addition, each designed to enhance your Open Quilting experience.
Just pop in at the Albany church, wearing your mask, between 9 a.m to 3 p.m., on the 3rd Saturday of every month. Bring a bag lunch (no sharing). You will be required to sign in at the door, just in case we need to do any Covid contact tracing.
The EBHQ Lending Library has been moved to the second floor of the Albany church. Our quilting books can now be accessed during Open Quilting hours. You can sit in an airy, light-filled room to browse through books, or check them out for home use. Read about the Lending Library here.
Before you stop in, it's very important that you read the revised features of Open Quilting here.