July's Presentation

Describing What I See—Articulating Matisse
Presented by Fredda Cassidy
What do we see when we look at a painting? a quilt? The proverb, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” springs to mind. In this episode from Gather’s Design Element series, Fredda takes us beyond the “beauty” response—“I like this”—“I dislike that”—by parsing Matisse's painting, The Blue Window. Using design vocabulary to describe and comment on the piece, she will model how to provide valuable critique to yourself and others by applying design terminology to a variety of quilts.
Chunk of the Month - A Mystery Quilt for 2022
A new Chunk of the Month will be introduced. More info about this activity here.
Make a Gift Show and Tell - Part 2
Other than quilts, what gifts have you made for family, friends or yourself? Share photos of your ideas. More info here.
Postcard Exchange: Be sure to check "YES" for the Postcard Exchange option when you register to join this fun activity.
Show and Tell: Please share your current projects with us. Email photos to ebhquilters.gather@gmail.com at least 3 days before the next session, and we will include them in the slide show presentation. We want to see what you’re up to! Same goes for the postcard exchange - any you have sent or received.
Virtual Open Studio: Curious how other quilters use their creative space? Want to discover organizational ideas and tips? Please show us your studio at an upcoming Quilters Gather. Participating is a great motivation to organize and clean your space!
More details about our upcoming Quilters Gather click here.
Quilters Gather Hosts,
Valerie, Claire, & Fredda