June's Presentations
Nancy Bardach, Art Quilter: Designs and Process

Nancy’s presentation will include several pieces from a series, inspiration from an art museum exhibition, a bold move from a black and white draft to color, transforming a traditional Spider’s Web block and more.
Chunk of the Month - A Mystery Quilt for 2022
A new Chunk of the Month will be introduced. More info about this activity here.
Postcard Exchange: Be sure to check "YES" for the Postcard Exchange option when you register to join this fun activity.
Show and Tell: Please share your current projects with us. Email photos to ebhquilters.gather@gmail.com at least 3 days before the next session, and we will include them in the slide show presentation. We want to see what you’re up to! Same goes for the postcard exchange - any you have sent or received.
Virtual Open Studio: Curious how other quilters use their creative space? Want to discover organizational ideas and tips? Please show us your studio at an upcoming Quilters Gather. Participating is a great motivation to organize and clean your space!
More details about our upcoming Quilters Gather click here.
Quilters Gather Hosts,
Valerie, Claire, & Fredda