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  • Virtual Lecture - Krista Hennebury

Virtual Lecture - Krista Hennebury

  • Mon, October 25, 2021
  • 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM (PDT)
  • Privacy of your own home
  • 279


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Virtual Lecture - Poppyprint:  The Search for Signature Style


As a traditionally-informed modern quilter, Krista has explored many different styles and techniques since she began quilting in 2000. In this photo-rich presentation, Krista shares simple yet effective strategies that have worked for her in the search for a unique creative voice while remaining connected to myriad inspiration sources like print and social media, quilt shows, conferences, local quilts shops and guilds.

Krista's Blog

6:30 Meet and Greet

6:45 Announcements by the President

7:00 Krista Hennebury (questions via chat)

After presentation she will answer the chat questions.


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PO Box 6223

Albany, CA  94706

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